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Being outside enjoying the natural fresh Scottish air and  in your allotment is a great way to get back to nature and with a little effort you could get a regular supply of fresh fruit, vegetables and flowers.

The tradition of allotments dates back hundreds of years, to when poorer people needed the land as their main source of food. After World War II with food shortages people were encouraged to grow their own, but then fast food and ready meals were introduced and people fell away from growing their own food and the allotments fell into disrepair.

It didn’t help that the council built houses on previous allotment sites and today many modern houses, flats and apartments either have very small gardens or no outdoor space which can make growing your own food a challenge.

Food miles is often mentioned in the news so growing your own food where you know exactly how it’s grown is extremely satisfying.

An allotment is the perfect solution for a healthier diet for all the family, bringing you fresh produce all year round. Plus, you’ll save on that gym membership by getting outdoor exercise!

The good thing about having an allotment is the shared knowledge with fellow allotment holders. With a little bit of preparation work you will be able to enjoy growing your own food all year round. Remember, it’s not only about growing your own. It’s about having an escape from home life, they can be a real bolt-hole away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Somewhere you can go and enjoy a bit of quality time and good conversation with your fellow allotmenteers. You’ll meet loads of friendly people who are prepared to come and splash some water on your spuds when you’re away!

The allotments at The Daimler Foundation beside Morris Equestrian are plots of land rented to local members so they can grow their own fruit and vegetables.

Initially there will be 12 allotment spaces available, with applications opening shortly.

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